58 yr old female with Acute kidney injury

 This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking   his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome .


I’ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis . 

Chief complaint:

Patient came to casualty with chief complaints of 

-pain in the left side of face since 3days

-Vomitings since 1 day

History of presenting illness: 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back then she developed Pain in tooth on left side of jaw and swelling extending onto the eyelids and to below the ear.

Later she started vomitings since 1 day :  6-7 episodes yesterday which is non-projectile, non bilious , watery in nature with food particles as content ,non blood tinged.

Then fever since 1 day high grade, not associated with chills and rigors, relieved by medication

Patient has  B/L Knee pain , Right  shoulder pain since 12 yrs and  patient gives H/O NSAIDs abuse 

No H/O pain abdomen, chest pain , palpitations, burning micturition , headache, shortness of breath 

Past history -

No similar complaints in past 

Not a known case of hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy, asthma , tuberculosis, thyroid diseases 

Personal history: 

Mixed diet 

Adequate sleep 

Appetite- normal 

Regular bowel and bladder movements 

No allergies 

Addictions - occasionally smokes 

Family history : 


No significant family history 

General examination- 

Patient is conscious , coherent , cooperative 

Moderately built and nourished 


No h/o of pallor , icterus , cyanosis , clubbing , lymphadenopathy 


B/l pedal edema is present , extended Upto ankle 

Vitals ; 

Temperature - afebrile 

Pr - 90bpm 

Bp - 110/60 mm hg

Rr - 20 cpm 

Systemic examination - 

Cardiovascular system - 


Shape of chest is elliptical. 

No raised JVP

No visible pulsations, scars , sinuses , engorged veins.

Palpation :

Apex beat - felt at left 5th intercostal space

No thrills and parasternal heaves

Auscultation :

S1 and S2 heard.



Shape- elliptical 

B/L symmetrical 

Both sides moving equally with respiration .

No scars, sinuses, engorged veins, pulsations 


Trachea - central

Expansion of chest is symmetrical. 

Vocal fremitus - normal


 resonant bilaterally 


bilateral air entry present

Per abdomen :

Inspection :

Abdomen is obese

Umbilicus is central

All quadrants are moving equally with respiration 

No sinuses , engorged veins, visible pulsations .

Hernial orifices are free.

Palpation :

No local rise of temperature 

No Tenderness

Liver and Spleen - Not palpable 

Percussion :

 Tympanic note heard over the abdomen.

Auscultation :

Bowel sounds are heard.

Central nervous system - 

Conscious,coherent and cooperative 

Speech- normal

No signs of meningeal irritation. 

Cranial nerves- intact

Sensory system- normal 

Motor system:

Tone- normal

Power- bilaterally 5/5 

Reflexes Right  Left

Biceps      ++        ++

Triceps.   ++.        ++

Supinator ++       ++

Knee.         ++.      ++

Ankle        ++.       ++

Provisional diagnosis - 

Acute Kidney Injury  secondary to Sepsis with interproximal caries with osteoarthritis of knee and hip joints



1. IVF 1 unit NS 1unit RL @ 75ml/hr

2. Inj. Monocef IV/BD 

3. Inj NEOMOL IV / SOS (ifTemp >101F)

4. Inj. ZOFER 4gm IV/SOS

5. Tab.DOLO 650mg PO/TID

6. Inj. Metrogyl 100ml IV/TID

7. Inj TRAMADOL 100 mg IV/SOS

8. Syp. POTCHLOR 10ml Po/BD

9. Inj. Pantop 40mg IV/OD

10. Tab. Chymerol Forte PO/BD

8. Monitor vitals BP,PR, Temp,GRBS 2nd hrly


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